• Video Games can have a Healthy Impact on Children

    Updated: 2012-09-30 07:35:46
    Some parents have told their children millions of times that video games will rot their brain. Like watching television or spending hours online, video games have often been linked to weight gain and obesity. While these activities don’t cause an […]

  • Quick Survey May Pick Up Ovarian Cancer Warnings Study

    Updated: 2012-09-28 23:30:28
    : Health News Quick Survey May Pick Up Ovarian Cancer Warnings : Study Print E-mail FRIDAY , Sept . 28 HealthDay News A simple three-question survey might identify women who have symptoms that may indicate ovarian cancer , according to a new . study The two-minute paper-and-pencil questionnaire can be given in a doctor's office and checks for six warning signs that may improve early detection of ovarian cancer , according to researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in . Seattle The survey asks women if they are experiencing one or more of the following symptoms : abdominal and or pelvic pain feeling full quickly and or unable to eat normally abdominal bloating and or increased abdomen size . It also asks about the frequency and duration of these . symptoms The study

  • Breast Cancer Drug Linked to Sexual Problems in Older Women

    Updated: 2012-09-28 23:30:27
    Health News Breast Cancer Drug Linked to Sexual Problems in Older Women Print E-mail FRIDAY , Sept . 28 HealthDay News Postmenopausal women treated for breast cancer with drugs known as aromatase inhibitors have high rates of sexual problems , which is an important and underestimated issue , according to a new study from . Sweden Nearly three-quarters of these women reported insufficient lubrication , 56 percent had pain during intercourse , half said their sexual interest was low , and 42 percent were dissatisfied with their sex . life These percentages are much higher than for postmenopausal women who weren't treated for beast cancer , according to researchers Dr . Juliane Baumgart and colleagues at Orebro University and Uppsala . University The study was published online this month in

  • Genes May Influence Impotence After Prostate Radiation

    Updated: 2012-09-27 20:41:26
    Health News Genes May Influence Impotence After Prostate Radiation Print E-mail THURSDAY , Sept . 27 HealthDay News Men with certain gene mutations may be at higher risk for erectile dysfunction after receiving radiation therapy for prostate cancer than other patients , a new study suggests . Although far from clinical use now , genetic analysis may someday play a role in personalizing treatment for prostate cancer patients , researchers . said We believe there are genetic factors that make patients more likely to develop complications from treatment , said lead researcher Barry Rosenstein , from the department of radiation oncology at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City . Erectile dysfunction , or impotence , is a common side effect of radiation therapy , he said . Urinary

  • Omega 3 Supplements During Pregnancy

    Updated: 2012-09-20 03:35:08
    Omega 3 fatty acids are fatty acids that are used to help control fats in the body. They may also be used by pregnant women. You should strongly consider the use of omega 3 supplements during your pregnancy. Why is a Supplement So Important? You need to get an omega 3 supplement to work for [...]

  • Being Overweight may not be as Harmful to Your Health as Previously Thought

    Updated: 2012-09-19 13:05:05
    Obesity has long been associated with heart disease and scores of other health maladies. However, a study is beginning to challenge this idea. A researcher has discovered that people of normal weight who develop type 2 diabetes are in fact […]

  • Coconut Water may not be Worth the Hype as Previously Thought

    Updated: 2012-09-19 13:03:39
    Every now and then, a certain type of food makes headlines after research suggests that it is rich in antioxidants and contains nutrients that can fight off disease and premature aging. Some of these foods include pink salmon, wild berries, […]

  • The Benefits Of Antioxidants To Your Health

    Updated: 2012-09-12 16:00:42
    It would be reasonable to say that when it comes to nutrition antioxidants are extremely important. They protect and nurture your cells while promoting good health and repelling diseases. There are two ways that you can get antioxidants to your body and that is through food and of course they can be ingested via supplements. Scientists believe that antioxidants are responsible for protecting cells from harmful oxygen molecules called free radicals which could damage the cells that become cancerous as Learn more

  • Study Shows that Organic Foods are No More Nutritious than Non-Organic Foods

    Updated: 2012-09-06 10:11:43
    Organic food has often been touted as being superior to conventional foods, which have been extensively modified through the spray of pesticides and being genetically modified in laboratories. Despite costing more, more people are beginning to spend more on organic […]

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